Bridge Loans are an attractive alternative fixed income asset class

Double-digit yield with a superior risk profile

  • Secured real estate with loan-to-values less than 70% and interest rates between 10-15% offer compelling absolute and relative value with a substantial margin of safety.
  • Our bridge loans can mitigate a wide variety of case specific risks through a combination of strong asset coverage and tailored structuring.
  • Our portfolio typically does not correlate with the broad debt and equity markets or with other secured short duration assets.


  • SHC focuses on loans that are too small for institutional lenders where there is little competition and relationships matter.
  • We leverage our proprietary origination engine, a systematic and time-tested process and broad capital markets experience to maximize risk-adjusted returns in all market environments.
  • Traditional real estate lenders (i.e. regional banks) face significant regulatory and balance sheet constraints that have limited their willingness and ability to lend. This has created a generational opportunity for alternative lenders.

What Sets Us Apart

  • An experienced and cycle-tested team with deep relationships, proprietary deal flow and a robust operating platform.
  • Thorough upfront diligence and proper structuring.
  • Transparent, rapid and responsive communication.
  • Disciplined risk management & portfolio construction.